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Miel del tío Juan CruzMiel del tío Juan Cruz

By imasc64

Benefits of honey

The first references to honey as medicine date back to prehistoric paintings. Also the Egyptian people benefited from their properties, having found documents Egyptian medicine where the honey as an ingredient in various recipes are highlighted.


Its virtues are known from classical antiquity; were knowledgeable of the great value of this good product, doctors and priests Greeks and Romans and the Gauls druids, who used frequently in the composition of their remedies, potions and prepared. Also present in many dishes and was the sweetener par excellence, who did not know sugar. It also elaborated the famous honey and mead mulsum (it was the favorite drink of Julius Caesar).


Also, to the Islamic civilization, honey is a sacred delicacy, much more than just food. The Koran, the sacred book of Islam devotes a sura (chapter) whole bees (nahl in Arabic), and numerous quotes, like this: “You, Lord God, have inspired the bees: Establish therefore Room the mountains, trees and human constructions. Then eat of all the fruits and walk meekly in the ways of your Lord. Your belly comes a drink of varying color wherein is healing for men. Verily in this is a Sign for those who reflect. ” And this even today enjoys unique appreciation in Muslim countries and is present in many recipes rich cuisine.


Finally, you should know that it is one of the few food products that perfectly resists the passage of time. In fact it is as effective as natural preservative salt. For example, you can put a piece of meat into a pot of honey and leave it in the closet. Within a year it out of there in perfect condition … but, yes, very sweet.


Today it is best known popularly is directed to the improvement of the respiratory system: it is very common to take it for colds, because it relieves cough, airway protects, soothes sore throat and acts as an expectorant. Furthermore, steam inhalation is effective against the nasal congestion.


It is also common use to relieve minor burns and promote wound healing, since it is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It also stimulates the growth of new tissue.

By imasc64

Uses of honey for health

In addition to its benefits for the respiratory system, honey is very good for treating coronary disorders and heart weakness.


Its antibiotic effects make regular use can prevent the development of germs in the airways. It is also common use in sport, as a treatment for muscle stiffness or spasms, and also for those of nervous origin.


Many use it as a treatment for stomach ulcers, it not only regulates the secretion of gastric juices and symptoms of heartburn, but it helps the healing and recovery of the mucosa.


Other known benefits are easier to fall asleep, treat biliary and hepatic failure, as very mild natural laxative and even to disinfect wounds, sores, abscesses and burns and help healing.

By imasc64

What’s honey?

For many people, honey is a pure, almost a medicine, which offers nature and contains all the vitamins nutrition experts considered necessary for health: group B, plus vitamins C, A and D. Also contains all the minerals that are essential to health, iron, phosphorus, calcium, aluminum, magnesium, silicon, zinc, among others. In addition, traces of pollen (in small amounts) that it can be found are pure protein. It has a high energy value, since it has 322 calories per 100 grams.Para mucha gente, la miel es un producto puro, casi una medicina, que ofrece la naturaleza y contiene todas las vitaminas que los expertos en nutrición consideran necesarias para la salud: las del grupo B, además las vitaminas C, A y D. Asimismo, contiene todos los minerales que son esenciales para la salud: hierro, fósforo, calcio aluminio, magnesio, silicio, zinc, entre otros. Además, los rastros de polen (en pequeñas cantidades) que en ella se pueden encontrar son proteína pura. Tiene un alto valor energético, ya que posee 322 calorías por cada 100 gramos. En este alimento también hay ácidos orgánicos (función antibacterial), aminoácidos (precursores de las proteínas), enzimas (reguladoras de algunas funciones del organismo) y fructosa y glucosa, siendo esta última el principal alimento de las células.


In this food there are also organic acids (antibacterial function), amino acids (protein precursors), enzymes (some regulatory functions of the body) and fructose and glucose, the latter being the main food of cells.

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Benefits of honey
Uses of honey for health
What’s honey?