Apicola Cuartero S.L. its Honey “Mieles del Tio Juan Cruz” have based their work ethics on establishing excellence in its production and the conservation of its taste parameters, and with this the conservation of bee’s and their hives, which in return favours the highest quality production of honey possibly.
We are talking about a 3rd Generation Family business centred on maintaining the highest level of products, with its development based on our planet’s ecological principals and all that it offers. Living from it without harming it. We also look to reinstate the traditional crafts, and to re-inhabit those areas that have become deserted.
At this moment of globalization, in which we are witnessing a loss of diversity within our cultivation and its products, “Apicola Cuartero S.L.” proposes that we maintain as well as recover the traditional tastes, that our earthly resources come through in our presented form with all of its values intact. The objective being to stand out from standard products that continuously appear without any distinguishing variant of taste. “Miel del tio Juan Cruz” relies on the values derived from nature as its main distinguishable element, allowing to note the different nuances between one harvest and another, always controlling the most demanding level of quality.